Generative Circles

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Generative Art!


Generative Circles




CSS HTML Javascript Maintenance PHP Web Development Wordpress



Recently, I’ve been playing around with some generative music using Propellerhead Reason, mostly for fun, you can find some of it on my Soundcloud:

This got me to start thinking about some generative art; after some Googling I got to check out some R programming for drawing things, and after some lurking around Github I found some good examples written in go and python too. Got to install R and Processing 3 on my Mac. After trying to get the process working for a few hours, I was not lucky, and after some digging up I saw a lot of problems with the processor 3 and java versions. But v2 worked and i got my first images. At this point I just want to make some pretty art and not do too much into learning the generative algorithms that are already in place.

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